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Annual recognition highlights organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to business integrity through robust ethics, compliance and governance programs.

Goodyear has received the 2024 World’s Most Ethical Companies® recognition by Ethisphere, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices. As one of only eight honorees in the automotive industry and the only tire manufacturer on the list, Goodyear is recognized among a total of 136 honorees spanning 20 countries and 44 industries.

“We’re proud to earn this validation from Ethisphere and celebrate Goodyear’s culture of integrity,” said Erin Lewis, vice president of global compliance and ethics. “All of our associates are ambassadors of the Goodyear brand and responsible for protecting our good name. This prestigious recognition would not be possible without a collective commitment from associates and leaders to do the right thing.”

The World's Most Ethical Companies assessment is grounded in Ethisphere's extensive questionnaire that requires companies to provide over 240 different proof points on their culture of ethics; environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices; ethics and compliance program; diversity, equity and inclusion; and initiatives that support a strong value chain. That data undergoes further analysis by a panel of experts who vet and evaluate each year's group of applicants. This process captures and codifies best-in-class ethics and compliance practices from organizations across industries and from around the world.

To view the full list of this year’s honorees, visit the World’s Most Ethical Companies website.

Mar 21, 2024