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Goodyear Experts Suggest Winter Tires to Avoid Slipping, Sliding

AKRON, Ohio, Nov. 18, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- For many people, the coming winter season means a welcome opportunity to ski, skate, sled and slide. However, Goodyear (NYSE: GT) officials recommend those types of activities should be confined to the slopes and rinks, and not practiced on the highways.

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One of the best ways to avoid slipping and sliding in a vehicle this winter is to improve the contact points between the vehicle and the road surface. For many motorists, that means selecting new tires with improved tread grip.

In severe winter areas, many motorists opt for a seasonal changeover that employs true winter tires to combat the expected ice and snow.

Goodyear's Ultra Grip line of winter tires, according to Silvana Valencic, Goodyear brand manager, is engineered to perform in cold temperatures, as well as in snow and slush.

"The bottom line for consumers is knowing what level of winter they might face," said Valencic. "Based on past experiences, do they feel their winter weather is moderate enough to choose a year-round tire? Or do they face sometimes severe winter weather, and they prefer the peace of mind offered by true winter tires?"

This fall, Goodyear is offering the new Ultra Grip Ice WRT winter tire, with tread designs for both SUVs and light-trucks.

The tire features Winter Reactive Technology, a combination of innovative tire features that work together to help provide a balance of starting, stopping and turning traction to help drivers react to changing winter road conditions. The tire features 2D blades in the center zone for hardworking biting edges for enhanced starting and stopping power on snow and ice. Goodyear's 3D TredLock Technology blades in the shoulder zone of the tire lock together to form large outer tread blocks for confident winter grip and handling in sweeping turns.

Whatever tire is chosen, Valencic offers advice for motorists who will be faced with potential slippery driving conditions this winter:

  • Match your driving speed to the current conditions. If conditions are challenging due to a slippery road surface or reduced visibility, decrease your speed. A slower driving speed allows more time for a necessary response.
  • Additional factors to consider when adjusting speed are the condition of the vehicle, its tires and your driving abilities. Always keep in mind the posted speed limits, and understand that those limits indicate the maximum speed when weather conditions are good.
  • Plan ahead and try to anticipate potentially dangerous situations. When approaching a curve or potentially slick area of the road, use the brakes effectively. The brakes should be applied only before a curve and on a straight section of the road. Sometimes, taking your foot off the accelerator and allowing the vehicle to naturally slow without using the brakes is best.
  • Be alert to other vehicles. Maintain enough distance between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. If someone else seems to be following too close to your vehicle, perhaps slow down to allow them to pass – rather than speeding up to achieve a distance between vehicles.
  • If visibility is poor, remember to use your lights. This helps other drivers to see you when approaching or when following. You should always turn your lights on when your windshield wipers are on.
  • Set the vehicle cabin to a comfortable temperature. This can be a challenge during winter when drivers and passengers may be wearing heavy coats in a vehicle, but it is imperative to be comfortable when driving. Cabin comfort includes keeping the windows free of frost, ice and snow.
  • Be as smooth as possible, avoiding sudden braking and steering responses. Always signal early when turning or stopping, in order to alert approaching or following drivers.
  • Avoid overconfident driving, and avoid overestimating the vehicle's capability simply because it is equipped with anti-lock brakes, four-wheel drive, traction control, winter tires or other safety devices. Do not allow good judgment and smart driving to be overtaken by a false sense of security provided by vehicle technology.
  • Before driving in inclement weather, be sure that your vehicle is properly maintained. Make sure your windshield wipers work properly; have the correct level of antifreeze for heating and defrosting the vehicle; keep plenty of gas in the tank; and always use required safety devices such as seatbelts.


"Preparation – of the vehicle and the driver – is the key for winter driving," she said. "When it comes to driving on the changing road conditions, ranging from dry, wet, icy and snowy, one of the most important factors to consider are the tires. It doesn't matter if it's a front-, rear- or four-wheel drive vehicle; it will perform better if the vehicle has good tires. For many drivers during the cold months from November to March, this means purpose-built winter tires."


For more information about the Ultra Grip line of winter tires or any other Goodyear tires, visit

SOURCE The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company

For further information: Jim Davis, +1-330-796-4114
Nov 18, 2010
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