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Goodyear to Hire 1,000 Veterans
Recognized for Support of Employees Serving in the National Guard and Reserve

AKRON, Ohio, July 27, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- James Rebholz, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) National Chairman joined Steve McClellan, President of Goodyear's North American tire unit, today at an event in Akron, Ohio, supporting Veteran and Reservist employment at Goodyear.  During the event, McClellan announced Goodyear's intent to hire 1,000 veterans over the next three years through its partnership with the United States Chamber of Commerce Hiring Our Heroes program and signed a statement of support for the Guard and Reserve on behalf of Goodyear. 

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"Our longstanding relationship with the United States military began in World War I, and as the largest producer of military tires in the United States, Goodyear products still play an important part in keeping our armed forces rolling," said McClellan.

"Additionally, we support the military through our charitable contributions such as the 'Goodyear Gives Back' program which generates support and donations for the 'Support Our Troops' non-profit organization.  We're proud to build on generations of support by committing to a goal of hiring 1,000 veterans over three years," he continued.

Goodyear's hiring commitment will be counted toward the U.S. Chamber's goal of getting 500,000 veterans and military spouses hired by the end of 2014.

"We are thrilled to see Goodyear step up as a leader in the private sector by committing to hire 1,000 veterans over the next three years," said Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Schmiegel (Ret.), executive director of the U.S. Chamber's Hiring Our Heroes program.  "Goodyear clearly recognizes that hiring a veteran isn't just the right thing to do. It's also the smart thing. With every commitment, we hope more and more companies will follow suit to help us reach our goal."

Goodyear also reaffirmed its commitment to support employees enlisted in the National Guard and Reserve.

"Today, supportive employers like Goodyear are critical to maintaining the strength and readiness of the nation's Guard and Reserve units.  Goodyear leads the way in ensuring their human resource policies go above and beyond by incorporating policies supportive of employee service in the Guard and Reserve, said Rebholz.

The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company joins other American employers in pledging to:

  • Continually recognize and support our country's service members and their families in peace, in crises and in war.
  • Fully recognize, honor and enforce the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act (USERRA). 
  • Appreciate the values, leadership and unique skills service members bring to the workforce and will encourage opportunities to hire Guardsmen, Reservists and Veterans.
  • Ensure that managers and supervisors will have the tools they need to effectively manage those employees who serve in the Guard and Reserve.

Rebholz declared, "Mr. McClellan has sent a clear message to the employees of Goodyear that while they are serving their state or the nation, they do not have to worry about their civilian jobs."

About Goodyear

Goodyear (NYSE: GT) is one of the world's largest tire companies.  It employs approximately 72,000 people and manufactures its products in 53 facilities in 22 countries around the world.  Its two Innovation Centers in Akron, Ohio and Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg strive to develop state-of-the-art products and services that set the technology and performance standard for the industry.  For more information about Goodyear or its products, go to

About ESGR 

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve is a Department of Defense agency established in 1972 to develop and maintain employer support for Guard and Reserve service.  ESGR advocates relevant initiatives, recognizes outstanding support, increases awareness of applicable laws, and resolves conflict between service members and employers. Paramount to ESGR's mission is encouraging the employment of Guardsmen and Reservists who bring integrity, global perspective and proven leadership to the civilian workforce. 

As the 1.1 million members of the National Guard and Reserve continue to perform an increasing number of unique missions that require extraordinary actions on the part of everyday citizens, ESGR will continue to be the informational agency for the employers of citizen warriors.

More information about ESGR Employer Outreach Programs and incredible volunteer opportunities is available at or by contacting Tom Bullock, Chief, Employer Outreach, at 703-696-1386, or email

About Hiring Our Heroes

In March 2011, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with the National Chamber Foundation, launched its Hiring Our Heroes program, a nationwide effort to help veterans and military spouses find meaningful employment. The Chamber started the program to improve public-private sector coordination in local communities, where veterans and their families are returning every day. To date, Hiring Our Heroes has hosted more than 220 hiring fairs in 48 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, helping more than 10,400 veterans and military spouses find employment.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world's largest business federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers and industry associations.

SOURCE Goodyear

For further information: Goodyear: Chris Curran, +1-330-631-2851, Justin Metz, +1-330-217-7973; ESGR: Tom Bullock, +1-571-372-0709
Jul 27, 2012
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